Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 10

Making the pictures bigger, from 320 pixels wide to 400 pixels wide. Not sure why I made them small to begin with. Oh well. xD Just be glad I actually updated. Haha, I'm such a lazy bum.

My brother was telling me how he saw ground pork or something at the dollar store and how the packaging just said "Pork" and below it had a picture of a pig. I found it funny.

You are so idiot? What?

"Guy marries a dolphin? What kind of paper is this? Ugh!"

Haha, his face. xD


"Bad Goemon! Bad! Stop peeing on the rug, you mutt!"

Bars on the window one second...

And then suddenly, no bars! Lupin is magic!

Oh, they were cut, in silence. "This is no ordinary saw. This is a Nin-Saw!"

"So, Goemon, what are you doing after this job?"
Gah, his face is so stupid in this series! D:<
And on a side note, I just now noticed Goemon's belt thing is tied in a bow. How dainty!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 9

Oh god, he's gonna eat the monkeys! D: Free them, Lupin! Free your fellow brethren!!

"Must. Do. As. The socks. Tell me. Must. Kill. Lupin. And eat. His rotting. Feet. With. Tofu."

"Must. Rape. Goemon. ....... Man, this isn't working! I wonder if I can fake it..."

Goemon is so sad and pathetic that he could stand there all day and the cops would never see him. Ever.

"Oh yes, ha ha, my feet itch, how amusing. I hope you get beard crabs, Jigen!"

Goemon looks so sad. "My only purpose in life is being Lupin's slave and cutting stuff for him! Wah! I want to be a man!!"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 8

Why am I reminded of the Smurfs? :\ I can already tell this episode is a winner.

In my world that paper says "You suck donkey balls, loser!", but I'm sure it says something that's even gayer.

It's Super Girly Goemon, to the rescue!

All Lupin needs is a matching floppy hat and a beard and he can sell people fish sticks. :D

That poor bear. Actually, that picture looks kind of wrong... :\

Friday, September 16, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 7

It's the death garb! That handkerchief just screams death, doesn't it? And those glasses.... And that collar!

And his sideburns sideways look like a winged elephant donkey wading in water!

"Waaaah! Ooh! Wah wah wah!"
:| .............
What is wrong with Jigen? I hate him more and more with every episode. I'm kind of glad I switch between series and specials. At least he isn't a complete retard in the specials...

He looks weird right there...

In which Goemon screams "My vomit! Nooooooo~!"

Jigen, being his usual lazy self, laying on the couch and reading a maga- wait, what is...

What the hell is Jigen reading? xD Can they make him any gayer?

Why yes, yes they can....

Why does this kill him? I don't get it...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 6

He was the champion in something. Just look at that bulge!

The lower half of him looks like it belongs to a woman.

That music! What is it?!

Butt Beard!

That doesn't sound like Serlague or Sergue. I have no idea what he's saying, since the subtitles show he is saying the guys name. Maybe I shouldn't put too much trust into these subtitles, though. xD

This doesn't sound like "My old war buddy just died my arms" music to me...

Point point point

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Last Job (2010 TV Special)

Yes, you'll hit him for sure that way. -rolls eyes- Yay for the overused "the military/cops are retarded" thing!

The top of the ambulance is upside down, but the phone number is right side up. :|

This? Yeah, never do that again, people. Not only is it flat looking and awful, but it hurts my eyes.

Man, the weird-ass angles in this thing... Like that horrid way-too-fluid car ride just before wasn't bad enough. What were they driving on? Water? Geez...

Her face looks like Goemon in drag. It's all long and thin.


Heh. I don't know why but the meatballs sticking to the noodles like velcro makes me laugh.

Man, I hate that technique. I don't know how many times things have been ruined because of that damnable Black Tea Mirage Technique.

Seriously, who thought that would be a good idea?

Kittens! :D

What is that thing?! >:(

Gah! There was one at the end, too! Kill it!!!! Evil bunnies!!!!!!!!! D:<

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 5

Third series Jigen is retarded. And so is his hair! D:<

And speaking of hair... Fabulous!!!!
That or he's got some sort of rabid animal sucking on his skull and controlling his mind.

Wow, her head is gigantic!

And Lupin is thinking "Wow, I finally got to see up his dress. My life is now complete. I can die a happy man."

Pfft ahahahahaha! When the DVD decides to skip and freeze I get weird crap like this staring at me for three or four seconds. xD

"So, I see your telescope is as big as mine."
"Yeah, but this girl's binoculars are tiny..."

And in the explosion he mutated into Super Nazi! Able to pound small objects with his giant hands! Can see for miles with his gigantic telescopic eyeball!

And this is where Jigen thinks "I wonder if I stick this up Goemon's butt if he'll make that squealing sound like he did the last time. Teehee, I can't wait to see!"

This is the episode of gigantic things. That bird is huge!