Friday, July 22, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 3

Marcom, heh.
(Although I will admit I had no idea what the hell Jigen was saying when he said his name. Maybe they just listen to the audio and guess?)

In the 80s even pedophiles were fashionable.

Lupin and his weird face, which confused me. Maybe if the subtitle people weren't blind and half deaf I would get it...

Lupin, you're doing it wrong...

So, from this scene it looks to me like it is a rocky island in the middle of the ocean.

Which made this all the more funnier. But then of course stupid show had to ruin my laughter and jokes and stuff by making it seem like it wasn't an island in the middle of the ocean and had a road leading away from the castle thing.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 2

Zenigata gets so happy his plan has been approved that his body suddenly contorts in ways a body shouldn't.

Lame subtitle. And the golden meteor.

A second earlier Zenigata was handcuffed to the chain. And then this scene happens. And then he goes back to being handcuffed. Yay for me noticing all the little screw-ups. But I do like the guy pointing at him for no real reason.

That face made me laugh way too hard. It's just so dumb looking.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lupin series 3 episode 1

Beginning theme song. Sexy Adventure! :D

What is David Letterman doing selling burgers in San Francisco?

Goemon is weird looking in this series. But his hair? Fabulous!

Rocket launcher guy and his poofy hair...

Lupin sitting in rocket launcher guys car...

... How do you mess that up?

Well, I guess this is better than hearing what a nice guy Lupin is and how his gun cries, but god, it's like Hanna Barbara-ish.

Ending theme song, whatever it's called. Ah, it's called Fairy Night. (Thanks, Nani. :D)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Legend of the Gold of Babylon (1985 Lupin movie)

And then he pulls out a microphone and starts belting out Jesse's Girl.

What is that thing????

Did people associated with mobs in the 80s dress like pimps?

Hellacious? Seriously? I swear, if any one of my friends started saying that in casual conversation thinking it made them awesome I'd walk away and never speak to them ever again.

I... really don't know what to say about this...

He's in a suit! And he's... liking his new job a little too much.

Did Japan not have small computers in 1985 or did they just think that Lupin is rich and crap and needs some giant ugly machine out of a cheesy 1930's sci-fi movie.

I want that house!

Seriously! What the hell is that thing?!?

Heh, Lupin's a horsie, whee! >w<

God is a big purple hairy thing? Gasp! I never knew this!

The structure part I liked. And now from this I see that the tower is in fact upside down.

And all the times in this movie that they have alluded to the whole Lupin=monkey thing.

They kind of overdid it just a tad, figuring that there weren't any in the last half of the movie. That I saw, anyway.