Friday, January 27, 2012

Lupin series 3 episode 13

dot dot dot

Haha, that's awesome. Too bad Lupin is too nice to use real dynamite.

Why? Why does this exist??? Stupid doesn't even begin to describe this!

He makes a very ugly woman. Those earrings.... gah!

Ahahaha! I could watch that all day. So awesome.

Okay, seriously, how is this an ending? What just happened? He stared at some bird and...? Huh? Gah! Something needs to be sacrificed for this abomination.
The DVD skipped at the end, but I'm sure it didn't skip over anything that would make me say "Ahh, so that's what the secret of life is... Interesting."

Friday, January 20, 2012

Lupin series 3 episode 12

I hate scorpions, but the eyes on that thing... Cute! xD

The best thing about that building/whatever-it-is is that it's just there, with nothing else around it.

His hair... And oh god, he's undoing his belt. Run, little girl! Run!!!! D:

Is evil guy a cop or is that just code word for "kill"?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Return of the Magician (2002 Lupin OVA)

Nothing suspicious about that wine. Nope, nothing suspicious at all... And could they put anymore spy references in there? Geez...

I'm not sure why, but I like how they did these scenes. Before, it annoyed me. I must have matured further into insanity since I last saw this.

The guy on the right, I'd be smashing him to death with my shoe. "Die, evil spider looking thing! Die!"

Why do cats do this?! I always found it weird, the places I'd find my cats sleeping. Cats, psh, whatever.

Stupid hat? Check
Ugly striped shirt? Check
Sweater tied around the neck like some kind of douche? Check.
Looking like a retard driving a boat? Check.
Serious deep thinking Lupin? Check.
Yup, this definitely has the making of an awesome movie.

Yes, you're going to tell everything to a guy with a psychotic look on his face. "Why yes, my ancestors knew exactly how to annihilate whole continents. Here, let me show you."

It's like they took a shot of water draining down a real life drain and didn't even try to make it cartoony with awful Photoshop filters. This is worse than bad cgi.

One of the things I liked about this movie was that they all had eye-like eyes, rather than the black dots they always have in every shot. And everyone has brown eyes, so it isn't like the thing where people make a comic or something and nobody has brown eyes because they all have to be different and unique or whatever. It's like real life or something, holy crap!

Dear movie making people, don't do this. Ever.

He's your enemy, Jigen. Stop having a nice conversation with him.

And the stars of the movie, the awesome CG crows!!! :D

And you know why? Because he's serious. lyk srsly

Friday, January 6, 2012

Lupin series 3 episode 11

Man, you could land planes on that forehead.

Those eye lashes are fabulous. And his pig nose? Sexy!!

Do. Not. Want.

"No! I only date dolphins! Help!!!!"

What is with her boobs, man? xD

Didn't this happen before? Why is it so familiar?

That guy is creepy. :| He reminds me of some real-life person, but I can't figure out who.