Friday, November 29, 2013

Fujiko's Unlucky Days - 1999 Lupin Special

You and Fujiko are falling to your deaths, man! Now is not the time!! Give that poor hand of yours a rest, geez....

Very bizarre perspective, unless the ship is in the process of sinking.

"Let me put my tongue in you..."

Yes, Jigen, yes it is. The sad part is, Jigen is usually pretty retarded in these things that to me it's believable that he would say that.

What kind of name is that? And I don't quite think it says Dana, subtitlers....

And Lupin just flips off the world, disguising it as an adjustment to his glasses. Oh yeah? Well, screw you, too, Lupin.

"Don't worry, Fujiko! My magic arm will save you from all the bullets should they come your way!"

This cat is awesome and he knows it. Look at that thing! It just screams "awesome".

I like how in these incredible hulk situations that it's always that one part of the pants that stay on them. Sigh.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I still have no idea why, but these things continue to capture with horrible sound. So to hear the sound clips turn your volume up.

Rock out to the Sharktopus song, brah!!

Hahaha! "Thers fish out therrrr!" xD

Wheee~~~!!! Chomp!!

Man, no really good visuals so far, but this guy makes up for it. Santos 137GX5, the Mach 7 model.

I like how it not only has a shark mouth, but also an octopus mouth. I wonder which method of death would be quicker: a mouth full of nasty shark teeth or a giant octopus beak?

That just looks weird.

Sharpie tattoos? Are those henna tattoos even that black? Not interested in tattoos, so I have no idea. xP

So, we have robot boy and now marble mouth. Man, where do they find these people? I have no idea what he just said... And that music. xD

Black shirts and sunglasses? Man, that's like evil personified right there.

An easy snack.

Now turn your volume down as to not blow out your eardrums upon listening to something that has sound that isn't messed up. :D

Friday, September 6, 2013

Future Police Urashiman 02

Aw yeah! Go for it! Go for it good! -turns on the porn music-

Yeah, baby! Aim for that ass! You know you want it!

Could they have created anything more retarded?

Oh god, those eye. Those eyes! He's got rape in them!!

First, that is one UGLY woman, if it even is a woman. Second, she needs a bra. Third, what the hell is she wearing? Ew.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Future Police Urashiman 01

Behold! Awesome cat! Future ruler of all mankind! Bow down to the awesomeness, mortal humans!!

Thorkruffindurg, aka Claude, who is looking extra special and eye-sparkly.

This lady looks like she's meant to be in a porno.

Behold! The future!!!

Nukes need to rain down on this planet as punishment for someone creating that.... that thing. Just staring at that hideous mess fills me with anger and rage.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Apologies for even crappier gifs, but for some reason iMovie wants to capture everything looking like crap. I miss my Final Cut Pro. TT

Ahaha, so awesome. xD


Ahahahaha! It's like they needed some sort of awesome action in this part and thought "Guy getting shoved off a railing? Do we have that one, yet? No? Well, we need it!"

"Ahhhh! My leg! It's stuck in the sand!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Whatever you do, don't run off to the side of it!" So, they've had their Jaws moment and now their Indiana Jones moment. Although if it had been a ferris wheel in Indiana Jones instead of the giant rock, that would have been so awesome.


and no blood. Gasp! Sharknado ate the blood!

One second you're driving around minding your own business, the next you have a shark vandalizing your car and trying to jack your ride. Los Angeles, man, I tell ya....

-holds up a piece of paper with a 10 on it-

They leave the small shelter after the F4/F5 sharknado roared through, but the winds just were not strong enough to rip the various pieces of paper off the wall. Those are some strong pins, man!

"I fell off the slide when I was two," he says. xD What kind of a slide was it? And what did he fall into? Make-up guys don't quite get the concept of scars.

(Because of crappy sound, in order to get the horrible joke I attempt here the volume must be turned up a lot. After doing so remember to turn it back down, lest your eardrums be blown out. xD)

Hey, you hear they're gonna do a Sharknado sequel?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Ghost Adventures Season 1 Episode 5

The mist that was captured. (I sped up the video as it captured at 4 frames a second for some idiotic reason.)

An EVP of a man yelling something

Mist in the tunnel. (Sped up video. Kind of hard to see.)

Zak in his weird hat.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ghost Adventures Season 1 Episode 4

Bird cage falling. Yay for another crappy and choppy video! :D Man, I really need to get a newer version of Final Cut.... This current set-up I have sucks.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ghost Adventures Season 1 Episode 3

Not much of a journal, but I needed something to put here. xD

The EVP that Zak got in The Hole. "I'll kill you" (highlight)

Run through the Constantine's software, more voices are picked up. A voice saying "Look. I've gone away..." Another voice saying "Look up. I'll kill you." (highlight)

Man, with some of these I don't see how they hear what they hear. The second one, I only hear what was from the first one more clearly, but the additional stuff, I don't hear it. Maybe the audio just gets crappier when they put this out on TV or maybe you need special headphones or speakers or something. Or magic ears.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ghost Adventures Season 1 Episode 2

Little girl yelling. Kinda creepy.

I think he's getting it again. xD I love how he's talking loudly and quickly and then at the end shushes the others as they speak over his excited rambles.

The mist that was captured.

An EVP Zak speculates is from John Widders that says "Ran for help." (highlight to see what it says)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Ghost Adventures Season 1 Episode 1

Doing a journal for this series is weird. I'm not really sure what to put here, so I will mostly stick evidence caught and I guess the occasional odd picture/sound clip here.

Haha, I love it when Aaron freaks out. He makes the most awesome faces. xD

Cat meowing! It's played two times, although they usually play things over three times. And this what what they thought was a woman yelling.

I love how his voice cracks right there. xD And don't they also play this during the beginning thing? I always skip over it, so I don't remember. xP

This one is pretty creepy. Kind of hard to figure out. There is a woman's voice and a man's voice. The woman is crying while the man is saying "...precious... no" (highlight to see what is supposedly said)

The caught apparition. (It plays all odd and crappy, but as of now it's the best I can do. xD And hopefully it doesn't get even crappier during the upload.)