Lupin III - First Series Episode 3

Farewell My Beloved Witch

So, Linda the "witch". How she's a witch, I have absolutely no idea. But, they say she is, so I guess she is...

Anyway, Lupin and Fujiko are on a boat, speeding off to nowhere. Fujiko takes Lupin's gun and shoots it at a boat coming towards them. (That was...odd...) It veers off towards an island and crashes. And then, as in any action adventure, the boat hits the rocks and explodes in a huge fireball. And then like any other realistic show, the person in the boat somehow lives.

Lupin jumps out of the boat and swims to the island, towards the explosion. He sees a woman, of course, and approaches her. Fujiko dumps Lupin and takes off while he chats with the woman, Linda. And then another boat comes by and starts to shoot at them. The shooter is quickly shot by Jigen, who is somehow mysteriously there.

It turns out there's a group of killers, appropriately named Killer of Killers (These bad guy groups have no creativity...) who are somehow involved with something on the island.

Night comes and Lupin and Jigen scuba dive off some boat (Where are they getting all these boats?) and swim to the cliffs of the island and climb up them. While still in their flippers. And then they get to the top and walk towards some big facility. Still in their flippers. Spotlights shine on them and they run. In their flippers... Seriously, wouldn't it be more convenient to take them off before doing all that stuff? They dive off the cliff into the water and other men in scuba gear dive after them. The bad guys die pretty quickly, so the main bad guy decides to just let Lupin and Jigen onto the island to see what they do.

And onto the island they go. Lupin starts to smell Linda and searches her out like a bloodhound. Then Jigen smells it and suddenly there's like a huge field of pink flowers right next to them and he points out the obvious and says the smell is from the flowers.

Linda is standing on a hill surrounded by these flowers and Lupin rushes up to her (I like how he says her name, "Leendaah") and goes all creepy and starts to make out with her hand. Seriously, it creeped me out.

Jigen then kicks the flowers (Flower hater!) while asking what they are. Linda then wants to play tag with Lupin, so he chases her around a tree. Wheee!

The whole reason the flower, called the Third Sun, is in this thing is that it can be used as a weapon, a weapon the Killer of Killers wants to put into missiles. The scientist at the facility tells about how he used his secretary, Linda, as a guinea pig and how because of it she can no longer live without the flowers. Poor Linda.

Fujiko then comes to take the flower, since she always has to ruin everything. She's flying a plane off the island and it's shot down. More explosions! Lupin and Jigen see this and drive to where the plane crashed, seeing Fujiko sitting near the wreckage. More people not dying when they really should! Stuff happens, people get shot, Killer of Killers members shoot up the lab, Jigen and the scientist escape, Lupin falls down a hole. Man, this episode is just everywhere.

Lupin then meets Starn, the leader of Killer of Killers, who wants Lupin's organizations help in the whole flower weapon enterprise. Lupin declines, somehow ties Starn up, steals his clothes and escapes. He is then rescued by Jigen.

Finally, to end this seemingly really long episode, Killer of Killers harvest the flowers, gasoline is poured on them from a plane and then Lupin shoots rockets or something down, catching the gas on fire. The flowers burn, Linda dies and the world is saved. Yay!

Wow, Fujiko looks like a man in that scuba outfit.... -shudders-

I didn't really see an odd subtitle that stuck out. But I did like the part in the beginning when Lupin meets Leendaah and the boat comes and starts shooting at them. After escaping the gunfire, Lupin asks "Linda, is someone after you?" Duh.

Originally posted Feb 26, 2008
