Lupin III - First Series Episode 9

Killer Sings the Blues

A plane comes in to Tokyo and some guy who wears his sunglasses at night (so he can keep track of the visions in his eyes) meets another guy inside the airport. The one guy says he needs sunglasses man (or Big Bro) to protect his warehouse o' goods from Lupin, but Big Bro declines, saying he's been looking for some girl (who of course is Fujiko) for three years to settle things.

Lupin is out riding with Fujiko (who is driving a Triumph, since they felt it so important for Lupin to point out what kind of car it was) and she agrees on the job to steal the stuff in the warehouse o' goods. And then they go on about how they love each other. Aww...

Jigen and Goemon are angry because Lupin is late and then they get even angrier when he shows up with Fujiko. In his anger Goemon cuts the table in front of him into pieces. (I like his "I'm angry!" -slicesliceslice- thing, especially since he usually whines about cutting worthless objects.) He then becomes a sexist pig and says he doesn't work with women and leaves.

It is now onto the warehouse, where some guy is reading a really interesting comic called Dream. He then ends up dreaming as Lupin knocks him out. Lupin confronts the warehouse o' goods owner and then we find out that Lupin is really Fujiko in disguise. The owner gets a really interesting phone call of "Blaghhh!" which tells him something is wrong. (I know I'd wonder.) Lupin, the real one, escapes and the owner says he will kill him.

After tricking the boss guy, Fujiko turns to leave when she runs into sunglasses guy. (Wait, his name is Pun? Must have missed that...) Flashback! We see that Fujiko once betrayed the organization and Pun was ordered to kill her, but he sucked and failed at that simple job of shooting a still target. (It had nothing to do with love. Don't believe the lie.) Fujiko throws down a smoke bomb to escape and the boss guy gets up and just starts randomly shooting. (Gasp! He could have shot Pun! No! Sadly I can't think of a stupid pun to put here...)

But then we find Fujiko has been shot. (Yay! I mean, how awful...) She lays in bed mumbling "Pun" over and over. Jigen is looking over a paper with math formulas on it, confused by the brilliance he holds in his hands. (It burns!) Jigen then tells Lupin the story behind Pun and the woman (Fujiko) he was teamed up with and how they were assassins and how the woman doesn't remember anything from three years ago, when she disappeared.

Enter Pun and boss guy. Jigen pulls out his gun and boss guy shoots his arm, Fujiko is taken, Lupin in knocked out, Pun and boss guy escape with Fujiko and Jigen runs out and shoots at the car, but can't shoot well with his left hand. (Secret weakness revealed!) Lupin magically comes to and drives off after them. There is then a boring car chase and a dramatic fade-out.

Goemon returns. ("Finally," he says, "I can be alone with Jigen.") Lupin calls and says he has the bad guys cornered and needs help. Bad guys are in a cabin or house or something and Jigen has an awesome plan of storming the house alone. He is shot at and does a stunning dance to evade the bullets.

Lupin shoots a bamboo stick thing with a radio tied to it into the cabin, since if the bullet inside Fujiko isn't removed she will die. Pun says he won't help her. Weird flashback stuff with Pun and Fujiko. Goemon playing a flute, which is completely normal. Lupin begs Pun to let him operate on Fujiko and when he refuses Lupin says Pun must perform the surgery. He sends over the medical stuff inside bamboo, stuff happens, Lupin ends up inside the house with Fujiko. Jigen lags way behind as Pun attempts to kill Lupin, but he is shot by Fujiko. Dramatic scene with dead Pun is dramatic.

Fujiko and Lupin are in a club. (Oh god, the seizures!) And they are... dancing, I guess. (Make it stop!) Jigen walks down to a room to find Lupin on a bed tied up in his boxers. Instead of helping, Jigen does what all good friends would do. He points and laughs.

And a fitting end to this dramatic filled episode is a dramatic Fujiko standing dramatically on a pier as she stares off at the ocean with drama filled eyes.

I don't remember any good subtitles. The drama captivated me too much to pay attention to them, I guess.

Originally posted Nov 2009
