Lupin III - First Series Episode 11

When the Seventh Bridge Falls

This episode starts off by displaying the complete incompetence of cops in the Lupin world, as they are swarming around a bridge looking for something when the bridge suddenly explodes.

We then see that the news in the 70s was as boring as it is today, a story running about how Lupin is blowing up the bridges and how people are getting hurt. Zenigata is given a short interview, saying that the fifth bridge is expected to be blown up soon.

Lupin and Jigen are in a hotel room (Lupin does not have his jacket on. Hmm, what were the two doing, I wonder...) and Jigen is all angry that they are being blamed for the bridges exploding. Lupin asks him what bridge he would blow up next and Jigen gets all mad. (Lovers quarrel! I do also enjoy how Jigen randomly falls backwards and then the next scene just seconds later he is standing again. What?) Something about an armored car is mentioned. ( Jigen asks "Lupin, are we gonna do it?" I thought they already did. Geez, he's like an animal... And the next line Lupin says "Jigen, do you know the route for that armored car?" I think he knows the route well, Lupin. Maybe a little too well...) Okay, back to the story! So, Lupin and Jigen figure out a route for the armored car and figure out which bridge is going to be destroyed next.

The cops are back to being dumb and standing around on bridges. Sexy hatless Jigen in scuba gear dives down underneath the targeted bridge and finds old explosives hidden in the... legs... or whatever they are called on bridges and brings it back up. (He is cold and shivering and when asked if he is cold he answers "Yeah, let's hurry up, go home and take a nice hot bath." Damn this episode for making everything sound gay!) Lupin does something to the bomb, I think, and then has Jigen return it.

The cops are all happy that nothing exploded that night, as if their presence intimidated the explosives and made them cower in fear. Lupin and Jigen are disguised on a boat waiting for the culprit, who comes soon after they wonder if he'll come. The man throws a fishing line in the water, gets a big catch and when he pulls back on the line it breaks and he flies off the screen. The cops then become awesome and point and laugh at him. Jigen does too, but it just makes him look like a jerk. The man walks off as if nothing happened. Lupin is suspicious of the float as it moves down the river, so they decide to follow it. (Jigen stands and has no bulge. I am sad now...) Jigen jumps off the boat and follows the float, seeing a man in a speedboat scoop the float and whatever is connected to it in a net and then speed off. Lupin and Jigen then go after him in an old boat that creeps along, yet they don't lose him and see him go towards some big building.

It's now night and Lupin sneaks into the building and spies on a creepy old guy, who traps Lupin in a cage. He traps Jigen, too, ruining Lupin's plans forever. Jigen gets mad and tries to shoot creepy old guy (as if he'd make himself a target so easily) but there is bullet-proof glass in the way. Creepy old guy, who I am just going to call Cog from now on because I'm lazy, explains that he has blown up the bridges in Lupin's name and wants Lupin to complete the plan for him. Lupin laughs. Cog pushes a button and a door opens to expose some random girl all tied up. (Lupin is all "What??" and then when asked if she is pretty he turns into a total perv. Heh.) He uses random girl as a bargaining chip, showing that if Lupin refuses she will die. (I love the door opening to expose a dummy in a chair and Lupin and Jigen get all dramatic seeing it. And then the dummy is cut in half and it's like "Oh noes, the poor dummy! How could you?!" looks on all their faces.) Random girl is tied to the chair and Lupin agrees to help. The man then blows up the sixth bridge and follows it with a bout of maniacal laughter.

Cog explains the plan, which is really quite boring and hilarious that the cops just don't seem to understand the simplicity of it all. Lupin doesn't like the plan and decides to do things his own way. Being the nice guy that he is he pours random girl a cup of coffee, holding it so she could have a drink. He then drinks from the same cup. (Cog: Bwahahaha! You have done exactly what I wanted! Now you have AIDS!! I have eventually killed Lupin!)

The next day the armored car leaves, Cog telling Lupin what is happening. (Jigen says "He's getting excited all by himself." Eww.) Jigen shoots at the car and they speed off, ending up falling into Lupin's trap and falling into the old boat they were on before. Lupin opens the suitcase that was inside the armored car and inside is more bundles of tens. (Did they never have a bigger currency back then or did they think bundles of tens were an awesome find?)

Cog throws tied up random girl into the speedboat and zooms off.

Zenigata is lost, as usual. (Useless fact: The number on the phone is (313) 7387.) Cog calls Zenigata and sets Lupin up.

Lupin pulls the boat up to a pier and is told to set the suitcases (Plural? I thought there was only one.) in the middle and walk away. Cog ties random girl to a tree and then says Lupin can have her, but when Lupin goes to get her he sees it's just a dummy and she is still in the boat. A ton of cop cars zoom up and Zenigata cuffs Lupin, then sees the tied up random girl.

Lupin does some pier surfing after the boat and then fires one shot and shoots Cog, rescuing random girl, becoming a perv and then fleeing from the cops. (I liked Zenigata saying "Mr. Lupin!" Mister? Really?)

Originally posted Dec 2010
