Lupin III - First Series Episode 13

Beware the Time Machine!

Lupin is driving some crappy looking car when a bright light flashes in front of him, making him slam on his brakes and fight to avoid driving off the road. In his rear view mirror is a bright light with a man standing in front of it. He jumps out of his car and points his gun at the man, who says his name is Mamou Kyosuke. (He looks like a demon there for a second.)

Mamou appears to tell Lupin he will disappear in four days. And then he walks into the light and disappears, the bright light fading. (Sparkles!)

Jigen is waiting around for Lupin. (He's late for our date! Again!) Lupin finally shows up and tells Jigen what happened. Lupin laughs it off while Jigen is... I don't know what he is. Probably wondering why he's wearing that stupid coat.

Zenigata is pacing back and forth while a man is sitting in a chair with oddly dressed guards standing on either side of him. He screams harassment (These people need to learn a new word...) and Zenigata has to explain how good a thief Lupin is.

There is a large gold statue of a lady and the old man stares dreamily at it. (A million dollars the old guy is Lupin.)

Pacing. Clock ticking. More pacing. Crashing sound!

Zenigata springs into action! And his crazy cop skills lead him to a serving lady who has dropped cups. Serving lady apologizes and leaves. Zenigata wonders and then walks off, as Lupin being late threw his universe out of balance.

Gasp! Serving lady is a man!

Zenigata is mad and pacing again. And yelling at the old man. (Don't question me, old man!) Old man ends up being Lupin (Give me my million dollars!) and uses a cigar to shoot smoke in the room. Lupin steals the statue and drives away with Jigen and then does a really stupid celebration dance. (What. He's never stolen anything before? And then he says to Jigen "Oh, what fun, Jigen!" .... It wasn't that much of a plan.)

They are both very happy about getting the statue until it vanishes. (Gasp!) And then they both look for it like idiots. (I'm sure it must have fallen down, Lupin says. Yeah, that heavy thing fell off the car by itself and neither heard anything. Right.)

Mamou shows up to taunt Lupin, saying this is all for revenge, as Lupin the 13th killed his family.

(Mini rant time! And spoiler if you haven't seen the Mamou special, so skip if you don't want to know. See? I like this reason for revenge, as it makes sense. This is one reason I didn't like the Mamou special as much as I could have because the reason for revenge in that didn't make sense. Sure, you'd get mad if someone stole your girlfriend, but it wouldn't cause you to make a time machine and go back to the past to kill off one person in order to completely end a whole family line. Now, if an evil future Lupin killed your whole family, that'd be a reason to lose it, build a time machine and go back to mess with a persons mind before killing him. Trying to make it all humorous instead of dark and twisted didn't work there. Instead of Mamou being an awesome insane evil guy seeking revenge for murder they turned him into an idiot insane guy who just went stupid crazy over something dumb. Maybe they wanted to say "Hey, he's just that crazy!" in a light hearted family friendly way but, meh, I like it the other way better.)

Lupin does the math and doesn't believe Mamou, laughing him off. He and Jigen then leave as Mamou watches, says some crap and then disappears into his egg machine.

Jigen says he has heard the name Mamou before and so he hits the books. (There's a book called 'Murder' and one called 'Madness'. I want books like that.) Lupin is annoyed that he is reading (You said you'd spend more time with meeee~) and then says he and Goemon will do the next job without him. But then Goemon is also looking through books, as he has also heard the name Mamou Kyo-whatever. Lupin is even more annoyed, as he doesn't believe in any of it.

Lupin sleeps and dreams about Mamou. Or Mamou magically enters his mind. Whatever it is, Mamou tells Lupin that with his time machine he can break the fourth dimension and has seen that the Lupin clan destroys his family 900 years in the future. He then tells Lupin that his birthday is November 18, 1932. (I wonder if that date has any significance.)

The dream ends and Lupin wakes up and remembers the date. Jigen and Goemon come into the room and Jigen tells Lupin all about Mamou, how he's a scientist, science fiction writer and studied the fourth dimension. And then he became insane and was put into a hospital, where he said the earth would be destroyed. So he built a time machine and travels back and forth through time. Lupin asks about his birthdate and it's the same as he was told in his dream.

Lupin goes out driving in his stupid yellow car thing (I hate that car. There are no words to describe how ugly I think that thing is. There is no reason to have a car with a hood that freaking long. Grr.) He drives to where the gold statue disappeared and yells for Mamou to come out, how he wants to fight him. ("I won't hide or run away." Heh. Does Lupin do that often enough to have to yell it?) Mamou appears and says he doesn't want to fight Lupin, as he can just go back in time and kill his ancestors. He says that in three days Lupin will disappear and then gets into his egg.

Mamou's crazed laughter is heard and he tells Lupin he will disappear. He then makes the castle in the background disappear and says he just traveled back and killed the guy who made it. He repeats that Lupin has three days while laughing maniacally.

Lupin is back at his house, I guess, telling Goemon and Jigen what happened, all the while laughing as he slowly loses it. (I like how Goemon looks bored while Jigen looks amused. "You're gonna be gone in three days? Can I have your stuff?") Lupin pretends to laugh it off and leaves to take a nap, but Jigen and Goemon aren't fooled.

Lupin stands leaning on the bed as he starts to sweat. He lays down and the door opens, Lupin reaching under the mattress and flinging a huge knife towards it. Fujiko is not amused and throws the knife back, piercing the bed. She says she has come to see him and then asks what is wrong with him. Jigen says that she should leave him alone, how his new rival is a man who travels through time and a man who they should fear. Angry at that, Lupin throws the knife towards Jigen and yells about how he doesn't fear him. And then he grabs Fujiko and leaves.

He is out driving with Fujiko (He says "Well, Fujiko, let's rage today" and then offers a movie, bowling or pachinko as suggestions. That's raging? Oh those crazy wacky kids of the 70s.) They go to a horse race and the horse Lupin has bet on disappears. (He looks like he crapped his pants....) Fujiko obviously missed something, as they are driving off again and she suggests a movie. She then asks what is wrong with Lupin as he drives like a maniac down the road. A semi heads towards them and Lupin veers out of the way and jumps out of his car to yell at the driver of the semi, which crashed into the railing. When he opens the door the battered and bloody man inside said his friend who was driving disappeared.

Lupin is all sad, sitting in the cemetery of a church and moping. He cries to Fujiko and asks her to marry him. She says she will and he runs off to find a priest. The two are in the church going through with the ceremony and the priest says to kiss. (I love how Lupin is all drooling, haha) Lupin goes to kiss Fujiko and she disappears before he can.

Mamou laughs and rises up from the pews and says how his plan of marrying Fujiko to continue on the family line won't work. Lupin is disappointed his plan failed.

Back to his house to mope. (Goemon is sitting alone with Lupin, then the next scene Jigen is magically there sitting on the arm of the chair Goemon is sitting in. Oh, Mamou, you and your crazy tricks...) Lupin gives them his keepsake, his gun, pistol, whatever and tells them to not forget him when he's gone, as that is his last day. He stares into the fish tank and vanishes.

Jigen and Goemon are shocked and rush to the spot. Jigen grabs Goemon and shakes him, yelling at him, asking why he didn't save him. Goemon hits Jigen and says that he didn't do anything to save him, either. (Haha, I love that scene.) Jigen then pounds on the table and cries. Goemon tells him to stop crying and says he must avenge this. Jigen replies by calling him an idiot and says he is no match for someone like Mamou.

Lupin speaks! And appears behind the fish tank. Goemon is all shocked and Jigen continues to cry. (Baby.) Lupin says they gave him a great idea, so he goes to church and prays. Mamou appears and Lupin asks for two wishes, saying which ancestor he wants to die with and wanting to see Fujiko again. Mamou, being nice, grants the two wishes and leaves to go get Fujiko. Lupin calls Jigen and Goemon out and they begin their plan.

When Mamou gets back he finds he isn't where he wants to be and asks some peasant, who looks like a more hillbilly version of Lupin, what year it is. He is told and then wonders if he made a miscalculation on the machine. (Yeah, you did. That one single time out of all the times you haven't screwed up while time traveling.) Another man then calls out to the peasant, who has the name of the man Lupin wanted to die with, who is supposed to be Arsene Lupin's dad or grandpa or something, I forget. Mamou calls the peasant and talks to him, but the peasant says he is in a hurry to marry some girl from France, a Mirene Lupin.

Mamou is happy and pulls out a gun to kill the peasant, but two other guys come in and the three attack Mamou. (Goemon's outfit is awesome! He should wear that all the time!) Mamou's clothes are cut from his body and (Wait a second... Going back and pausing.... Is it? Could it be? Does Mamou possibly have somewhat of a bulge?? Gasp! Ahem, anyway....) he stupidly asks if it really is whatever year he was told, some Japanese thing, and Lupin, who was obviously the peasant, laughs. The three then literally throw off their disguises and run towards the machine with mallets and Goemon his sword. (Hahaha, Mamou stands there flailing his arms towards his machine like a little kid who wants something but can't reach it.)

Goemon slices the machine in half as Jigen and Lupin beat it with the mallets. And the whole time Mamou just stands in the same spot yelling "Stop it!" over and over and crying while holding his head. They then turn and look at Mamou, who gets all scared and runs away. Lupin puts his arms around Jigen and Goemon and they do that weird laughing way too hard thing again.

Fujiko wakes up and gives Lupin this evil grin. Lupin gets scared and backs off. Fujiko, now in a wedding dress, drags Lupin to the church to get married and Lupin is yelling for Jigen and Goemon to save him. They refuse and walk off as Lupin escapes Fujiko's evil clutches and runs from the church, calling out to Mamou to make him disappear.

Originally posted Apr 17, 2011
