Lupin III - First Series Episode 14

The Emerald's Secret

There's a big celebration for some wedding. (This guy says the ship they are on cost Z million! Z!! That's more than X! That's a lot of letters!) The bride is walking amongst the guests and people are commenting on the jewel she has pinned to the front of her dress.

The jewel is the legendary Eye of the Nile (Great, now I'll have 'Eye of the Tiger' stuck in my head all night...), a gift given to Cleopatra from Julius Caesar. (Or Julius Gaesar as the subtitles so tell me. Gasp! Your jewel is a cheap knock-off, lady! Throw it away~!)

Bride lady says someone is trying to steal it and this other lady is shocked someone would try. ("Steal Impossible" the lady says. -Mission Impossible theme plays as Lupin sneaks around-)

Groom guy is all worried that his future wife is taking things so unseriously. (Eww, that guy is ugly. Poor bride lady having to look at that every night...) Bride lady tells servant lady to bring the letter from Lupin. It's so important she brings it out on a tray. (Serving lady is Fujiko, people! Even I could see through that disguise, geez.)

Giant 'Stache Man takes the letter and reads it. Enter the creepy kitty! Bride lady picks up the kitteh and cuddles with it. Zenigata appears with the most ugliest woman standing next to him. My god I hope that isn't all he could get for a date. Anyway, he starts yelling at the bride lady right off as she is still not worried about Lupin getting her jewel. (I forgot Zenigata has a red tie in the first series.)

Jigen and Goemon drive up to the pier in a catering truck. They haul out a giant cake and load it onto a boat. (Hey, I have a great idea! Since Lupin is threatening to come and steal something at the party, why don't we order a gigantic cake big enough for someone to fit inside from a random catering place. That'd be so great!)

Zenigata spots the cake approaching the ship and runs out to greet it. And in his completely awesome ways he inspects the cake by stabbing a dagger into it over and over. (Hahaha! I miss awesome Zenigata sometimes...)

Serving lady is tending to bride lady in her wedding dress and telling her all sorts of lies about how good she looks and stuff. Bride lady goes to look at herself in the mirror, taking creepy kitty with her and leaving the jewel laying unguarded on her vanity. Fujiko begins to switch the jewel with an identical one when Zenigata enters to check on the jewel. Fujiko is all "How rude!" and then switches the jewels when he leaves, bride lady noticing.

Time for the wedding. (Creepy twin flower girls, augh!) Lupin is waiting inside of the cake to make his entrance. Bride and groom are told to cut the cake, both facing it as Lupin sticks a weird claw grabby thing out of the cake towards the jewel. (Like she isn't going to notice that coming right at her chest while the lights are on... Lupin's gone retarded.) Bride lady notices, so Lupin pulls it back in, sticking it back out and taking the jewel while the two cut the cake.

Random Fat Lady screams and faints, Zenigata rushing over and the lady waking up long enough to point and say the jewel is missing. Bride lady looks down, sees it's gone and also faints, ugly husband guy catching her.

Zenigata jumps on the cake (That should have told him right there it's fake. Oh wait, nevermind, he jumped on the table the cake is sitting on. Stupid washed out colors...) and tells everyone that he has to check them to make sure they aren't Lupin, but bride lady doesn't like that, not wanting to bother her guests, talking as if the jewel being stolen is no big deal and then sweet talking Zenigata and saying he will surely get the jewel back.

The cake is wheeled into an empty room and Lupin exits it in a tuxedo. He puts on a dumb looking wig and a crazy huge mustache as his disguise. Fujiko is in the same room and laughs that he only got a glass jewel, how she has the real thing. The door opens and creepy kitty enters. (Even Fujiko thinks it's creepy) Lupin is all mad that it scared him and the cat jumps to attack his face, but he dodges it and the cat lands on Fujiko's head and jumps off. Fujiko drops her jewel and it shatters when it hits the floor. Lupin laughs and the two decide to join forces to find the real jewel.

Lupin leaves the room and runs into Zenigata, who wants to know who he is. Fujiko approaches and says he is Count Nipul.

(Story time! So, in the subtitles it says Count Nipple. And when I first saw it I got very confused. I mean, I know Lupin's a perv, but what? Why Nipple? That makes no sense. And it's gross. So, this mystery stayed with me for well over a year until one day I was sitting bored at my desk and realized Lupin spelt backwards is Nipul. You think I would have put the two together then, right? Nope. Was still confused. And then one night months after my initial realization it hit me that he wasn't Count Nipple, as the subtitles said, but that he was Count Nipul. Needless to say I laughed at myself and felt really really stupid. Aheheh...)

Fujiko tells Zenigata that Count Nipul is a good friend of bride lady. Zenigata still isn't sure and thinks he looks like Lupin. Or that he doesn't.

So, Nipul begins to mingle, finding bride lady and talking to her. Fujiko then quickly interrupts and goes into how Count Nipul is a descendant from some dynasty in the Mediterranean. (Haha, Lupin's face is like "What the hell are you going on about, woman?") Nipul then asks bride lady to dance. As they dance all fancy like Fujiko decides to leave and search for the jewel.

Of course she doesn't get far when she runs into Zenigata being a peeping tom and looking through key holes. They talk and then Fujiko is all flirty and asks Zenigata to dance with her, Zenigata saying he doesn't know how to but forced to anyway, ending up liking it.

They end up where everyone is dancing, Lupin and bride lady stopping to watch as Zenigata dances all retardedly. Fujiko says Zenigata should ask bride lady for a dance and he blushes at the thought, but asks her and ends up dancing his spastic dance with her as Fujiko and Lupin watch, Lupin asking Fujiko to dance and the two dancing out of the room.

They sneak off and search bride lady's room, trashing it in hopes of finding the jewel. Zenigata walks in on Fujiko and she lies to him about tidying up the place. He sees Lupin there and asks what he's doing in bride lady's room. He lies and then walks off. Lupin and Fujiko meet outside and he asks Fujiko to see if bride lady knows where the jewel is.

Zenigata is doing cop things and seeing if a Count Nipul is on the sign in book and he isn't. Zenigata gets all mad and knows Nipul is Lupin. Fujiko is talking to bride lady about the jewel and asking her where the real one is. Knowing that Fujiko and Lupin are in on this together she starts saying it's in random places, Lupin running all over the boat to find it only to hear that it isn't in that spot. (Haha, she says it's in her hair and Lupin randomly shows up to dance, grabs her and starts feeling her hair.)

Fujiko is freaked out because the creepy kitty is sleeping with one eye open, Lupin seeing it and coming up with a plan. Fujiko runs off to the control room and finds a lever while Lupin stands and looks at his watch. Bride lady comes up and reveals that she knows he's Lupin and is looking for the jewel. She thanks him for making a boring night entertaining. Zenigata approaches, the lights going off before he can get to Lupin. Bride lady yells about her cat while Lupin says he has the Eye of the Nile. (Dun! Dun dun dun! Dun dun dun! Dun dun dunnnnn! Eye of the Nile~!)

The lights go back on and bride lady faints when she sees her cat with an eye patch on. She cries to Zenigata that Lupin has stolen her jewel and he sees Lupin and Fujiko escaping on a hang glider. He starts shooting at them, but the two escape with the jewel.

Originally posted Apr 21, 2011
