Lupin III - First Series Episode 15

Let's Catch Lupin and Go to Europe

Zenigata enters some guys office and is given a letter announcing some sort of competition in Europe. The guy seems to want Zenigata to participate, but Zenigata is like "Blah blah blah, Lupin's gonna steal a statue, blah blah blah." The guy stares at him as if thinking "Dude, what is wrong with you..." and says that he should take a break and go to the conference. (I have no idea what that thing is now. Competition? Conference? Whatever. It's in Europe.) Zenigata gets all "Grr!" and says he won't stop leading the Lupin case and how he will arrest Lupin and then go to Europe.

Lupin is watching and reading Zenigata's lips, telling Jigen that he plans to arrest Lupin and go to Europe. Both find that amusing, Lupin laughing all creepily.

Conehead is sitting behind a gold Conehead statue while lighting his cigar with a gold Conehead lighter. (This guy is full of himself. Wow...) Zenigata is standing in front of Conehead's desk and the two talk, Conehead not wanting his gold statue stolen. Zenigata tells the cops they will catch Lupin that night. (He needs to get to Europe.)

Lupin, Fujiko, Jigen and Goemon are sneaking up to Conehead's mansion. (Oh, so now they work with a woman? Tch, pigs.) Lupin tells them where the statue is. Jigen leaves first to distract the others, seen by spotlights and chased by all the guards. (Somebody got Lupin mad....) Lupin, Fujiko and Goemon then sneak towards the building unseen while Jigen is still being chased.

Lupin runs up and places a bomb on the mansions wall. Jigen sets a bomb down on the ground. Why? I have no idea. Lupin is all happy to have blown up the wall when he sees a metal wall standing there. Angry, he goes up and kicks it, electrocuting himself.

Goemon cuts something, metal, I think, above him while Fujiko cuts something below her, shocked that it is bullet proof glass, neither able to cut through. (Hey, another thing Goemon's useless sword won't cut...)

Inside Zenigata yells to catch them. ("I need to get to Europe, you fools!")

Outside Lupin is spotted, running and jumping towards the spot light and breaking it with his shoulder as he dives over the wall. He still wants the statue, running and disappearing into a deep hole. Jigen pulls him out and the two run for it.

They eventually meet up with Goemon and Fujiko, hiding from the cops. Jigen is mad and starts yelling at Lupin about not researching the place beforehand. (Lupin looks all sad, heh.) Lupin says that it's just Zenigata knowing all of his moves and Jigen yells at him some more.

Zenigata sits in a chair smoking a cigarette as the cops stand around him. He yells at them, calling them idiots and wondering how they could have let Lupin escape. ("Don't you idiots understand? Did I not make myself clear?! I have to catch Lupin before I go to Europe! I can't go to Europe and then catch Lupin! It doesn't work that way!") One cop says Lupin is a fast runner. (Heh, nice excuse.) Conehead enters and is happy his statue is safe. Zenigata yells at him.

The next day Lupin is flying above the mansion as Fujiko takes pictures of it. On the ground Zenigata watches. A cop runs up to him and says they found a hole, thinking Lupin dug it. Conehead walks up and says it's an air raid shelter that leads under the mantle piece. (How convenient. I like how there is no Japanese word for mantle piece. Maahntilah peeesah! Ahaha.) Zenigata yells and runs off to inspect the mantle piece, diving right into the fire place and following a trail that exits to the hole. He then gets all creepy and laughs while hugging Conehead.

Jigen is looking over the pictures as they sit around discussing how to get the statue. (Goemon's voice is weird. Did it always sound like that? It's like the guy has cotton stuffed in his mouth...) They talk about the security the place has. (After Fujiko says it is surrounded by metal and bulletproof glass Lupin says "And high voltage electric that makes you go ack!" Hahaha.) Lupin is still trying to figure out how to finish the job when Jigen suggests they just give up. Lupin yells at him and says he has never given up on a job.

Fujiko suggests that the one way to get rid of Zenigata is for Lupin to be arrested by him. Jigen laughs and thinks it's a good idea. Lupin thinks they're just trying to screw him out of the profits, but thinks it's a good idea. He then falls backwards off the stool he's sitting on and onto the floor and then stands as if he normally does that. (That was... weird, but amusing, I guess.)

He shows them the photos they took and shows them the hole he fell into, a trail leading from it to the mansion, which the others thought was just a mess up when they developed the pictures. Lupin shows them it's on all the pictures. (Did they all just go blind and stupid?) Lupin says it's an underground passage leading outside the wall probably to under the mantle piece. And when Jigen says they should use it Lupin tells him it's a trap and that Zenigata isn't stupid. He then grabs a jacket or shirt or something and leaves.

Zenigata is sitting and pulling petals off a flower, saying "Arrest, escape" as he pulls them off. He is called outside to the hole, wondering if it's Lupin, but he finds it's just a drunk. (He is so good at everything Lupin, but can't see that the drunk looks just like Lupin. Okay...) The drunk is arrested and tossed in prison. When the guard leaves Drunk Lupin puts something under one of the bars.

Back wherever it is Lupin and the others were meeting at, the three sit and Jigen wonders where Lupin went. The door opens and Drunk Lupin walks in. (Jigen asks "Who the hell are you?" Lupin's disguises are so awful that they have the power of making everyone who sees them turn extremely dumb.) Lupin gets some water and tells the others that he will enter the underground passage way to get the statue. Jigen then acts like a retard and does retarded things. (Okay, Jigen isn't cool anymore... I like how in the first series the characters are more like the comic characters than anything. It's weird and nice to see after watching the specials year after year.) Fujiko isn't so sure of the plan. Goemon says some lame proverb.

At night Jigen is driving a truck and drives into the hole. The cops come out and says he can't stop there, Jigen yelling at them about leaving a hole there. The cops then help lift the truck's tire out of the hole. Jigen attempts to start the truck but it won't start, so he asks the cops to push it so he can start the engine. The cops do that, leaving everything unguarded as Lupin and Fujiko watch.

Lupin sneaks into the hole as Jigen starts the truck and drives it into the gate. Inside the mansion Zenigata paces and checks his watch as Conehead sleeps. He is angry about Lupin being late when cops enter the room and say that a truck ran into the gate. Conehead is all upset, saying he spent ten million yen to build the gate and he runs off. Zenigata leaves with them and they all stand around the truck. Fujiko is up on a power pole and cuts the wire. (I love how they always do that and never once does anyone get electrocuted) The lights in the mansion go off and Lupin leaves the fireplace and takes the statue, releasing a small button and setting off a generator.

Conehead sees the lights in the mansion go on and says the statue has been stolen and runs off. Lupin hurries through the tunnel with the statue on his back and gets to the hole. He climbs up it and a grate covers the top, Zenigata looking down and gloating at how good he is. He then does some weird spastic laughing, rolling on the ground, jumping thing in celebration. I guess.

Zenigata throws Lupin in jail and continues to gloat. He says he's going to Europe and leaves. As he walks down the hall the other cops clap and applaud him for his great deed. He goes into the one guys office to say he's arrested Lupin. Guy hands him a note of congratulation from the Prime Minister. Zenigata is proud of himself. And then a large group of reporters rushes into the room and shoves cameras and microphones at him, asking him how he feels about arresting Lupin. (Man, news gets around quick...)

All over the papers is news of Lupin's arrest. Fujiko, Jigen and Goemon sit around sad. And then Lupin walks in and Jigen is so shocked that he's there, wondering how he escaped. (Hey, look, Jigen is dumb without the use of a stupid disguise.) Lupin says he was planning it, the thing he stuck under the bar being his special 7 piece escape set. And then they all go to the airport to see Zenigata off.

Zenigata is all dorky looking, ready to catch his flight and telling the police guy (I guess he's like a captain or chief or something. I don't think they said.) that he stored the statue at the police headquarters safe. Lupin is happy that his job is now easier. (The airline Zenigata is going on is called Japan Drop Airline. If I flew, I sure wouldn't fly on that...) Zenigata gets on the plane and is just completely retarded. As they take off he sees Lupin and the others waving him off. He then gets more retarded as he tries to get off the plane, but is unable. (Oh my god how I hate him right now. What happened to the awesome guy who dove head first into a giant cake and who stabbed a giant cake with a dagger like a psycho? And why is Zenigata awesome when it involves giant cakes? They need giant cakes in the specials. Or Zenigata as a giant cake. No, no, that might be too powerfully awesome and make the world explode. On second thought...)

An armored car takes the statue from Conehead's mansion and drives off, the shell of the armored car coming off to reveal it's the ugly long nosed yellow thing. And then the drivers pull off their masks to reveal Jigen and Lupin as Goemon and Fujiko sit happily in the back as a plane flies overhead. (I thought the statue was already at the police headquarters. Oh well, whatever. Stupid bad subtitles strike again. I'm just happy this episode is over with.)

Originally posted Apr 22, 2011
