
Showing posts from October, 2024

Lupin III - First Series Episode 15

Let's Catch Lupin and Go to Europe Zenigata enters some guys office and is given a letter announcing some sort of competition in Europe. The guy seems to want Zenigata to participate, but Zenigata is like "Blah blah blah, Lupin's gonna steal a statue, blah blah blah." The guy stares at him as if thinking "Dude, what is wrong with you..." and says that he should take a break and go to the conference. (I have no idea what that thing is now. Competition? Conference? Whatever. It's in Europe.) Zenigata gets all "Grr!" and says he won't stop leading the Lupin case and how he will arrest Lupin and then go to Europe. Lupin is watching and reading Zenigata's lips, telling Jigen that he plans to arrest Lupin and go to Europe. Both find that amusing, Lupin laughing all creepily. Conehead is sitting behind a gold Conehead statue while lighting his cigar with a gold Conehead lighter. (This guy is full of himself. Wow...) Zenigata is standing in

Lupin III - First Series Episode 14

The Emerald's Secret There's a big celebration for some wedding. (This guy says the ship they are on cost Z million! Z!! That's more than X! That's a lot of letters!) The bride is walking amongst the guests and people are commenting on the jewel she has pinned to the front of her dress. The jewel is the legendary Eye of the Nile (Great, now I'll have 'Eye of the Tiger' stuck in my head all night...), a gift given to Cleopatra from Julius Caesar. (Or Julius Gaesar as the subtitles so tell me. Gasp! Your jewel is a cheap knock-off, lady! Throw it away~!) Bride lady says someone is trying to steal it and this other lady is shocked someone would try. ("Steal Impossible" the lady says. -Mission Impossible theme plays as Lupin sneaks around-) Groom guy is all worried that his future wife is taking things so unseriously. (Eww, that guy is ugly. Poor bride lady having to look at that every night...) Bride lady tells servant lady to bring the letter fr

Lupin III - First Series Episode 13

Beware the Time Machine! Lupin is driving some crappy looking car when a bright light flashes in front of him, making him slam on his brakes and fight to avoid driving off the road. In his rear view mirror is a bright light with a man standing in front of it. He jumps out of his car and points his gun at the man, who says his name is Mamou Kyosuke. (He looks like a demon there for a second.) Mamou appears to tell Lupin he will disappear in four days. And then he walks into the light and disappears, the bright light fading. (Sparkles!) Jigen is waiting around for Lupin. (He's late for our date! Again!) Lupin finally shows up and tells Jigen what happened. Lupin laughs it off while Jigen is... I don't know what he is. Probably wondering why he's wearing that stupid coat. Zenigata is pacing back and forth while a man is sitting in a chair with oddly dressed guards standing on either side of him. He screams harassment (These people need to learn a new word...) and Zenigata

Lupin III - First Series Episode 12

Who Had the Last Laugh? In a hut somewhere in a snowy area an old man is being held hostage or something. Some guy is talking to him about how he will now take two golden statues. As he talks the old guy notices a saw cutting a hole in the side of the hut. (The guy must be deaf since he didn't hear that when it was four feet away from him...) A hand enters the hole and takes two boxes on a shelf right under the hole. The hand screws up and makes a noise and the guy notices and throws an axe at the hand. And then we find out the hand belongs to Fujiko. She runs and men chase after her. Jumping on a snow mobile she speeds off, one of the guys shooting a machine gun at her. And his aim sucks because he keeps shooting the snow on either side of her. The axe throwing guy demands they chase her, so the men jump on snowmobiles and give chase. (The hunt is on!) They finally hit something and shoot the snow mobile, Fujiko getting tossed off of it and into the snow. She is surrounded, bu

Lupin III - First Series Episode 11

When the Seventh Bridge Falls This episode starts off by displaying the complete incompetence of cops in the Lupin world, as they are swarming around a bridge looking for something when the bridge suddenly explodes. We then see that the news in the 70s was as boring as it is today, a story running about how Lupin is blowing up the bridges and how people are getting hurt. Zenigata is given a short interview, saying that the fifth bridge is expected to be blown up soon. Lupin and Jigen are in a hotel room (Lupin does not have his jacket on. Hmm, what were the two doing, I wonder...) and Jigen is all angry that they are being blamed for the bridges exploding. Lupin asks him what bridge he would blow up next and Jigen gets all mad. (Lovers quarrel! I do also enjoy how Jigen randomly falls backwards and then the next scene just seconds later he is standing again. What?) Something about an armored car is mentioned. ( Jigen asks "Lupin, are we gonna do it?" I thought they alread