Friday, March 30, 2012

Lupin series 3 episode 21

"I've got the pump all nice and ready for you."
I thought this was weird. Jigen in disguise, his beard is all short.

And then, when he exposes who he is, he has long crazed beard again.

It's Hobo! :D

And Pasta! Isn't his little hat nifty? Such a fashion statement that crazy guy makes.

Hahaha, he has the greatest run ever. xD

Seriously, who runs like that? I'd love to see someone run like that in real life and not just be doing it so I can see it, but to have that be their real run. That'd be awesome.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lupin series 3 episode 20

I would not watch the news if that was the newsman I had to look at. Eww.

Weird ass face...

Hirohito Duck! In human form!

This makes me laugh. Imagine if Lupin were forgetful. That'd be an awesome series. He'd go on jobs naked. "I know I'm forgetting something.... Man, it's drafty in here." And being the perv he is people would just laugh it off.

Awesome drawings! xD

One day Lupin will deal with an evil guy who doesn't live on the edge of a tall cliff or on an island or in some tall hard to get to place.

So, the normal sized tennis ball turns into gigantic monstrous tennis ball when it gets hit back? It's so dumb and not funny that I don't get it. =|

And hey, look, it gets even dumber. Yay.

Fujiko and her weird face.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Lupin series 3 episode 19

Small and dainty! But it gets the point across. xD

Awesome dancing.

Panty shot! Not even a sexy panty shot, either. I guess her boobs are more popular than her crotch.

Boobies. This episode can end now. It has gotten right to the point of everything. :|

You could put briefs on his head and he'd have a bulge. :D

All keep out signs should read "Cease all entrance". It'd make keep out signs much more interesting.

Haha, I guess that's supposed to be a sexy face or something.

Neither a truck nor a safe! I've been fooled, cheated, misled!

He's magic and leaning on a rock that is way beyond where he's standing!

Ahaha, she's Satan.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dragon of Doom (1994 Lupin Special)

Too many pictures I took from this movie! D: And it seemed to go on forever!!

"And to think I chose to go on this boring date with you, instead. I knew I should have gone with Goemon..."

Girly Goemon. Eww.

Awesome costumes. Nobody will ever know who you are!

I love the *shiver* addition, as if we couldn't tell that he is shivering.

Sexy Kimono-less Goemon. My god, their bodies are drawn weird.

None of the clues make sense...

Awesome fish.

Oh god, this is so effing retarded. Okay, so Lupin entered the ship from the top of it, it looked like, and he has to get to the room in yellow. But between entering and this scene he has fallen twice a long way down in two different places. And now he has to walk up two floors to get to the room. And after that he would have to leave the ship however it was he got in there, following the trail of the tube feeding oxygen into the suit, else he run out of tubing or gets so caught up he gets stuck somewhere, as the cable can't be feeding out from the suit but from the sub that is sitting near where he entered. And yes, I know it's a cartoon and a stupid special, but still. I'm venting here, people!! I needs me some more awesome fish! D:<

And he's an expert in authentic genuine secret rooms, even if they are a hundred years old and rotting under the ocean.

I guess that's supposed to be her worried "Lupin might die..." face.


It's like Zenigata finally lost it and is like "Eff it, kill the annoying effer, guys!"

Sparkly blood!

Caring Lupin. Don't know why, but it always makes me laugh.

I like how the eyes are on the scroll. Did the scroll originally have that shape or when it was turned into the dragon did it become a special scroll?

Sexy bangs showing Jigen!

It's all artsy and crap, man! The Titanic is in the background, the stealth in the foreground, and the dragon statue that returns to where it will rest forever! It's all message-y and junk! Plus it had lame lyrics going on when it happens, too!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lupin series 3 episode 18

Nothing says "I'm a man's drink!" like a stupid girl in a bunny outfit on a label of Jenny Walker whiskey.

Because nothing says "I'm manly!" like pink flowers and a feminine pose.

Awesome disguise! And what's Hitler doing there?

Worst. Icing job. Ever. And the clapping way too much over a giant cake is awesome.

Serious Mustache, I mean, Lupin.

And now, the annoying song, yay.