Thursday, September 12, 2013


I still have no idea why, but these things continue to capture with horrible sound. So to hear the sound clips turn your volume up.

Rock out to the Sharktopus song, brah!!

Hahaha! "Thers fish out therrrr!" xD

Wheee~~~!!! Chomp!!

Man, no really good visuals so far, but this guy makes up for it. Santos 137GX5, the Mach 7 model.

I like how it not only has a shark mouth, but also an octopus mouth. I wonder which method of death would be quicker: a mouth full of nasty shark teeth or a giant octopus beak?

That just looks weird.

Sharpie tattoos? Are those henna tattoos even that black? Not interested in tattoos, so I have no idea. xP

So, we have robot boy and now marble mouth. Man, where do they find these people? I have no idea what he just said... And that music. xD

Black shirts and sunglasses? Man, that's like evil personified right there.

An easy snack.

Now turn your volume down as to not blow out your eardrums upon listening to something that has sound that isn't messed up. :D

Friday, September 6, 2013

Future Police Urashiman 02

Aw yeah! Go for it! Go for it good! -turns on the porn music-

Yeah, baby! Aim for that ass! You know you want it!

Could they have created anything more retarded?

Oh god, those eye. Those eyes! He's got rape in them!!

First, that is one UGLY woman, if it even is a woman. Second, she needs a bra. Third, what the hell is she wearing? Ew.