Friday, January 31, 2014

Future Police Urashiman 06

This has got to be one of the most disgusting things I've been subjected to in the beginning of a show. And I watch a lot of sick crap. I mean, who is that?! And why does he look like he has sweat dripping off of him? Ugh! Go away, gross thing!!

Seriously, I could watch this all day.

Super serious.


How not to do perspective.

So, they all want to see her in some sexy swimsuit, but when they think she is going to get naked in front of them they freak out. What?

I guess it's supposed to be all wacky, but along with Ryuu, the others are also screwed, as the shark will grab Ryuu, collide with the boat or even grab the front of the boat and break it and then everyone will end up in the water and be picked off. Gondo would be a nice sized morsel for the shark, though. Maybe as the shark is gnawing on him the others can escape.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Plot of the Fuma Clan - 1987 Lupin OVA

Lupin, in his awesome formal attire.

Just because his hair is really awesome right there. It's like he just got out of bed. "Ah crap, the wedding was today?? It started five minutes ago?!?"

Awesome scene. In all of it's interlaced glory...

Gag? Okay....

Bucky. Wow.

More Bucky. Look at them teeth!

God, that hat is awful. Is it supposed to try to hide the fact he shaved his head?

Previous dialog: Looks like that fake detective and the Rupan gang are searching for buried gold...

As someone living in the US I found this hilarious and sad at the same time. Plus I was just having a discussion with someone about looking for gold and how others do that around here, yet it's all government land, so what if you found a huge gold vein? How could you hide that from the government? We came to the conclusion that you couldn't and that the government would come in and claim it all and how it isn't worth it to try and fool them. And that was the end of our gold hunting conversation.

So, he apparently loved her enough to marry her, but any sort of intimate behavior reduces him to that...

..and this. Man, I'd hate to see what happens to him when his wife wants to sleep with him. And then has to explain that she doesn't mean sleep, she means sleep. He'd probably be reduced to a coma.

I do like how her boobs aren't gigantic in this movie, but hate how much she looks like Lupin in drag.

And because it had to be done. Wish it had turned out better, but doing this was a pain and way too time consuming, so I began to rush through it. Plus, you think they could have had a better face shot of Lupin talking in this movie. Just... pretend it all makes sense and Lupin isn't ten inches tall staring up at a giant. Or do, if that makes it funnier. xD

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Axe Giant : The Wrath of Paul Bunyan

I love how the bear acts and how the deer is so dumb it just stays there, with all that noise and movement. It's just too busy chewing away to be bothered, I guess.

Pfft hahaha! Goodbye, Slutty!!

Aww, why is the poor thing all deformed? How sad.


So, Paul grabs Rosa, lifts her up, and then tosses her aside. She hits a tree and then plummets to the ground. And this is her plummeting. An awesome still cut-out of her upside down. I also love how it's kind of squished.

Best accident scene ever.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Future Police Urashiman 05

Ugh, what the hell is wrong with that thing?? And that outfit! Mylene looks normally dressed right there compared to that hideous afro midget attire.

Haha, that face!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Future Police Urashiman 04

This should have been in the first review journal, but it will now be in the fourth, since I kept forgetting to grab this...
Hideous opening song

Hideous song that plays while Ryuu changes into super Ryuu. This may be the song that plays from time to time in the episodes when something magical happens. I like to pretend it doesn't exist, so I'm not sure.

More hideousness, the ending song.

Car chase scene at 1:43

Car chase scene at 3:26

Car chase scene at 4:30 (Identical as previous shot. Tch, lazy animators, haha.)

Car chase scene at 6:38
Either there are a ton of these places or they keep driving in circles...

Shoot him! Please, for the love of god, blow his effing hideous afro midget face off!!

I want to kick this guys face in....

In the future all men wear tights. It's like a neverending bulge nightmare.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Future Police Urashiman 03

Ugh, these characters are a little disturbing to look at it. Why are they drawn like that?

Ludovich is like "Man, f*ck this thing!" and bitch slaps it across the room. For no real reason at all.

Haha, that face.